The process of getting a NIF number in Portugal for non-residents may seem daunting at first, it is a relatively straightforward procedure that can do quickly and easily if you have the right information and follow the right steps. 

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to get a NIF number in Portugal for non-residents, including the necessary documents, procedures, and tips to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible. 

What is a NIF Number?

A NIF number, or “Número de Identificação Fiscal”, is a unique identification number assigned by the Portuguese tax authorities (Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira or AT) to individuals and companies for tax and administrative purposes.

The NIF is a 9-digit code that is use to identify taxpayers in all their interactions with the tax authorities and other government agencies and it is an essential document for anyone who lives or works in Portugal.

It’s issue to Portuguese residents and non-residents who engage in economic activities in Portugal, such as working, studying or owning property. 

The fiscal number is also requires for individuals who receive income from Portuguese sources, such as rental income, dividends, or other types of payments.

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Why do I need a NIF Number in Portugal?

Here’s a list of some of the main reasons why you might need a NIF number in Portugal:

  • Opening a bank account
  • Sigining a mobile phone contract
  • Buying real estate
  • Working in Portugal
  • Renting a house
  • Buyin in portuguese online stores
  • Getting a mortgage
  • Buying a car
  • Setting up utilities and internet
  • Applying for a driver’s license

How do i get a NIF Number in Portugal?

To obtain a NIF number in Portugal as a non-UE (non-European Union) citizen, you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1 - Search for a local tax office

Schedule an appointment at the local tax office (Finanças) in your area. You can do this by visiting the website of the Portuguese Tax Authority (Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira) or by calling the Finanças office directly.

Step 2 - Gather all the necessary documents

You will need to provide a passport or other government-issue identification document, as well as proof of your legal residency status in Portugal, such as a visa or residence permit. You will also need to provide proof of your Portuguese address, such as a utility bill or rental contract.

Step 3 - Attend your appointment at the Finanças office

You will need to present your identification documents, proof of legal residency status, and proof of address to the tax authority representative. Fill out the necessary paperwork to obtain your NIF number. The representative at the Finanças office will provide you with the necessary forms and assist you in completing them.

Step 4 - Wait for your NIF number to be issued

Typically, you will receive your NIF number within a few days of submitting your application at the Finanças office.

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Fiscal Representative in Portugal

Until recently, regardless of whether they had tax responsibilities in Portugal or not, everyone having a Portuguese tax number (NIF) who is living outside of the EU, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein was obliged to hire a fiscal representative.

A fiscal representative (often a lawyer) is normally responsible for interacting on your behalf with the Portuguese tax office, and this necessity frequently results in extra fees for people who reside outside of the country. But, since July 1st of 2022, even people with an NIF who have no tax liabilities in Portugal no longer require a tax representative.

If you are a non-EU/EEA foreigner seeking to move to Portugal by applying for a D7 Visa, Digital Nomad Visa, D2 Visa, or any other Visa, it is still recommended to have a fiscal representative to obtain your NIF and submit your visa application remotely.

A good tax representative should be knowledgeable about the Portuguese tax system and laws, have experience working with non-resident taxpayers, and be reliable and trustworthy. They should also be able to provide clear and concise explanations of complex tax issues and be responsive to the needs of their clients.

Fiscal Representation: It is required?

Tax advantages of Non-Habitual residents

The Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) program was a special tax regime in Portugal that offers tax benefits to eligible individuals who become tax residents in Portugal. The NHR program was introduce in 2009 to attract foreign investment and highly skills professionals to the country and ended in 2023.

Under the NHR program, eligible individuals could benefit from a flat income tax rate of 20% on most types of foreign-sourced income for a period of ten years. This could include income from pensions, salaries, dividends, rental income, and capital gains. 

To be eligible for the NHR program, individuals must meet certain criteria, such as not having been a tax resident in Portugal for the previous five years, being a tax resident in Portugal for at least 183 days per year, and having a valid residency permit. 

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How much does it cost a NIF number in Portugal?

Obtaining a NIF number in Portugal is free of charge, regardless of whether you are a resident or non-resident. However, if you choose to use the services of a fiscal representative or a tax professional to help you obtain your NIF number, they may charge you a fee for their services.

Why choose Portugal Residency Advisors for your relocation to Portugal?

Local Expertise
We know Portugal. Due to our extensive local knowledge, we believe that concentrating our services in a single country destination is the best way to give you the most thorough and useful information. 
Holistic Approach
One single channel of communication for the entire process. We provide you with a comprehensive service that covers all aspects of your move, from identifying the ideal residency visa to finding your new home or helping you to settle. 
Transparent Service
We recommend what’s best for you base on an extensive process experience that saves time and money to clients. Our pricing is clear and competitive, and we don’t sell services that make us more money. 
Simple Process
Technology plays a very important role in our company. We minimize our clients’ involvement in paperwork. We are customers ourselves and we know how to serve you.

Frequently asked questions about How to Get NIF Number in Portugal

Who needs a NIF number in Portugal?

Anyone who intends to work, study, or invest in Portugal will need to obtain a NIF number. This includes both Portuguese citizens and non-residents.

Is it necessary to have a Portuguese bank account to get a NIF number?

No, it is not necessary to have a Portuguese bank account in order to obtain a NIF number. However, you may need to provide a Portuguese bank account number in order to complete certain transactions, such as paying taxes.

Can I apply for a NIF number before arriving in Portugal?

Yes, it is possible to apply for a NIF number before arriving in Portugal. You can do so through the AT Portal, provided that you have a fiscal representative in Portugal who can submit the necessary documentation.

What documents do I need to apply for a NIF number in Portugal?

You will need to provide a valid ID document, such as a passport or national ID card, as well as proof of address in Portugal. If you are a non-resident, you will also need to provide documentation from your fiscal representative.